Tuesday, January 4, 2011


-Be prepared to taxi on Taxiway Bravo. Ground told me to taxi on Bravo and I went to Alpha. I figured it out when 2 A-10s were pointing at me on Alpha.

-3 indications of stall: buffet, stick shaker, chopped tone

-Read the formation references in 3-3 Ch.3. (Wing on Ejection Triangle, etc.) I flew Close, Wing Work, Xunder, Echelon, Route.

-If you land on rwy 12, the dearm spaces are labeled with numbers. 0 is the one we can't park in bc of c130 clearance. We CAN park in line 1.

-Salute both Arm and Dearm crew chief once they are finished with your jet

-our comm sequence was Tower, Departure, ABQ Center (who will clear you into moa with 1. DUG altimeter 2. MOA Clrnce 3. Clrnce to change frequency), MOA Freq, ABQ center departing MOA, Libby Appch, Libby Tower, Libby Appch, DM Appch, DM Tower.

-I descended to 11k in the MOA and requested RVectors Libby with ABQ. You can also just cancel and go at 10.5 or any VFR Hemishperic.

-We flew back to DM on the Apache at 8.5

-The jet flies like a big truck. It flies way different from the 38 (much slower roll rate and response). You can tell it is a bigger and heavier aircraft. Much slower roll rate. Its a blast. Have fun!

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