Sunday, January 9, 2011


-Similar problem to Jason: when I pulled into the chocks, sortie complete, the crewchief plugged in and said hey welcome back sir and he looked up and paused briefly. This made me assume he chocked the jet though he did not. So I released brakes momentarily until I realized he hadn't chocked the jet. Make sure the jet is chocked and use extreme caution any time there is someone around the jet. Probably goes without saying but wanted to pass it along.

-There is a concrete pad at the no wind perch point on rwy 26 at Libby. Works pretty good as a starting point.

-Nose High TP stall technique: Roll off perch and set 10 degrees nose low and idle power. 1/3 to 1/2 around final turn pull up to 5 degrees nose low and trim it to stay there. Then just let the jet stall itself and recover.

-There is GX comm in the standards.

-There is a TCN checkpoint in the Arm area. It is a sign (yellow I think?). My IP had to test his tacan there because it didn't work in the chocks. Anyhow, that is where it is located if you are looking.

-Lookup the supplementary tasks in the syllabus for each sortie. Most IP's will ask some of thier questions from that.

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