Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know all of you have finished TR-4, so I'll keep the nuggs pertinent to crap to learn pre-checkride.

1) Don't overspeed your shit.  Haha, I know.  But seriously...
2) In the words of the ancient bards: Chuck Norris doesn't request a damn thing; Chuck Norris states intentions.  Pull closed at FHU and realize you're at Joker?  No worries, just tell Tower that you're discontinuing the pattern and are going present-position to Tombstone from inside downwind.  Wait two seconds for them to call approach and you're on your merry.  Halfway to SHORR and realize your TACAN bearing pointer is wack?  Cancel IFR and tell approach you're proceeding direct PITS for initial.  "Roger, contact DM Tower."  In short: be the (wo)man with the plan and keep your IP updated.  Make that shit happen.
3) Energy gaining headwinds closer to the surface at FHU can "push" you high on glideslope while increasing airspeed momentarily.  If your pitch/power worked two seconds ago, just keep what you got and make a small correction two seconds from now rather than chasing it immediately.
4) For those of you fools who liked RTP bombing references in IFF, Wheels (Wieland) is a huge fan of flying the top part of the side-mirror to the threshold off the perch, and then picking up the 5degree pitch ladder in the HUD on the threshold.  If your TVV is 10deg NL, you'll pick up a 3deg glidepath in no time.  Lots easier than mental math (1/2way round) while hurling yourself toward the ground, and it works like a charm
5) Trimming into TP Stalls is the shit.  Makes steady-tone recovery cake.
6) Like Poon, Wheels is a big fan of making things mechanical and extremely deliberate.  Seems to work just fine.

Anybody have any good techniques not to get the "Speedbrakes" warning?  I'm actuating the switch before even moving the throttles and I still get the warning... Am I just too fast getting my shit into MAX power? (story of my life).

F*ck the po-lice.


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