Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sorry it took so long to post but I guess better late than never. Here are some nugs I took away from TR1 and TR2.

1. You can never and I do mean never do too many ops checks in the TR phase.
2. Call your final approach speeds early...on the downwind instead of right as your getting ready to configure.
3. Configure early. They are not impressed if you wait to the last second to configure.
4. Know how to explain your fuel plan. Have a joker out of the airspace and out of Libby. Use 15lbs per mile, 300lbs per overhead, 600lbs per radar pattern, and 800lbs per full penetration. As you know they will prob trump your plan but at least you can show them that you were thinking about it.
5. I think I told most of you about my screw up on TR-2. I was in the de-arm after my sortie and released the brakes before he gave me the signal to taxi. I caught it pretty quick and only rolled a few inches but it could have been really bad. My IP said he always counts how many airman will be de-arming him when he pulls in and before he releases the brakes he counts them again. Even if the crew chief is marshaling you out.

All for now....

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