Tuesday, January 11, 2011

TR-2 w/ HOSS

Good nugs...

1.) If the jet comes back from MX really do a good job checking your switches in the correct position before engine start. MX checklists has them turn the switches off that can be turned off i.e. Main Air supply was off, bleed air off, temp/pressure was off, generators were off, circuit breakers were pulled, etc... just check.

2.) When the ARC-210 loads up, if it has a #1# in the upper right hand corner, you have to hit enter a few times get it to say "RT" and then you can use the knob on the ARC-210. The #1# shows up when you are using the UFC to control the ARC-210

3.) If you are leaving TW1W and are flying VFR to LIBBY and you stiff arm the field a little to ensure clearance into the Restricted Area, don't go EAST of 180 or else you will be flying the wrong VFR hemispheric alts.

4.) If you try to get the HI TACAN to RWY 12 and they won't give it to you (s2s) then make sure you tell them you will procede visually at 3 DME. They told me today that I was cleared for a 20 mile vis str-in to RWY 12 and could maneuver as required... aka I'm not clearing you for the TACAN, but you can fly it... just realize they may forget about you and be suprsied when you request a handoff to TWR at 10 miles.

5.) If you establish a new joker/bingo the comm should go. "Killer, new Joker is 6.5 acknowledge" "2". Don't just assume b/c you said a new joker they copied it.

6.) For your descent check, add the alitmeter... "Killer descent check, 1 is 6.0 30.22 set" just a technique from HOSS for style points...

7.) If you pull closed at 250 bones, you can get a solid closed pull up, just ensure you watch ptn alt and level off there.

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