Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nuggalicious (FMT 4 w/Denzler)

I'm not going to re-invent the wheel since JB already chucked out great, great nuggs for his Denzler FMT-4, but I'll add a few pile-ons of my own:

The Spidey finger-drag technique for APU and Engine Starts wins again.  I had my finger on the L-Fuel PX light before I even threw the APU switch on.  Guess what, the light didn't go out, and Denzler automatically assumed that I saw it immediately since I had my finger on it (I was admittedly a little slower and was checking APU RPM and EGT instead, but hey, I call it a win)

Same note for the above on the engine start.  Also, Denzler's huge on calling out ops-limits on the gauges as they become pertinent.  HOWEVER, be damn sure what you're saying if you use this technique on a checkride, or you run the risk of verbalizing crappy ops-limits and getting the wrath of the SEFE.

Talk to your Sim dude/SEFE about when you're supposed to go around on instrument approaches.  It's easy in the air since the IPs brief that if they don't say anything at DH/MDA, you're still IMC, so you go missed approach.  Well, in the Sim, if the Wx is set improperly, you can break out of the wx on your ILS at 900'AGL, so you can continue, right?  So I thought, but I didn't verbalize anything and just pressed instead to a low-approach like we do in the airplane.  Bad move.  At least ask if you're unsure, or just execute the missed approach from the DH/MDA.  It's silly, I know.

Denzler recommends verbalizing the boldface as you do it in the sim since the console readout of the throttle setting lags the FMT (i.e. it will show your speedbrakes open and brakes (as required) before showing the throttles in idle for the abort.  DISCLAIMER: if this is too many penguins on the iceberg, don't even think about it or else risk saying a bad boldface in front of your SEFE.  Food for thought.

For your COCKPIT OVERTEMP boldface, after moving the Main Air Supply, tell your SEFE that you "expect that the airflow stops and the temperature is bearable," so now YOU are driving the next step in the checklist instead of having the SEFE make you blow your canopy off (sts?).

Be a turn-and-slip ball nazi.  The only thing the SEFE has to gauge whether you're using rudder to counter an engine failure is that.

Use the finger-drag technique when starting motors airborne, too.  Not as if you'll ever get an ATS valve failing to close in the air...
Oh by the way, in the Sim, your "APU guaranteed to start at 15K' and probably up to 20K'" means that your APU won't start until descending through 18,500'.  That's the magic altitude in the sim for the APU to start.  Any higher and you get bupkis.

The gear horn is a great WAG for your 160KIAS best glide speed.

All in all, Denzler was pretty damn patient considering my buffoonery on this one.  Be happy if you have him as an instructor

That's it for now.  Happy Simming.


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