Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TR-1C Nuggs

I figured most of us are going to be done with TR-1 by tomorrow so instead of putting the profile and stuff I'm just going to post some good nuggs that I didn't know...

Ground Ops
If you hear a loud squel in your headset turn down the volume on your aft radio and the master volume on the panel with all the controlheads

While the chief is checking your pitot heat, you can ask him if your clear for the chop check and do it simutaneously

When doing your before takeoff checks, if your strobes (anti-collison) lights won't stay on, check your pinky switch on the stick, its not aft

When you taxi out onto the runway, after running your engines up doing a quick cycle of the flight controls

Make sure you pull all the way down past the cable for the line up

If you don't get DME off your TACAN, make sure its in T/R not in REC

Use the autopilot AFTER you have trimmed the aircraft

STEADY TONE! for stall recoveries = max performing the jet

Climb out 99.99% of time will be a right turn 020 climb to 8,000' - watch 5700 restriction by departure end

You look alot cooler in Dearm if you have your canopy up but remember the restrictions about opening it in a turn... (don't)

Remember flaps full and speedbrakes out prior to pulling into the sunshade

***One thing Hoss had me do that may seem kinda gay, but it was pretty freaking sweet, was to move the middle mirror during your climb out when things are chill so you can see your face and the 2 engines in it... It's pretty freaking awesome... ***


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