Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BSA FMT Take 2

Faster funnier, here's what I got from Doc Baker on Friday:

Ground Ops: do your flow from rt to left based on the lower OSBs on the MFCD (i.e., stat page, DSMS + weapons crap in HUD, Comm/TADL stuff, TAD setup

For your SPADES, the last S stands for Steer/SOI/SPI, Doc recommends adding "Safe Escape Maneuver" as a quick review so you don't do the wrong one.

The canopy ref's (fist for 30s, on the rail for 45s) works nice in the sim.
As a crutch to the above, know your base dist in the brief, HOWEVER, you can add 0.2nm to that number, and that's where you should be when you're exactly abeam the two towers as your last get-well point.

The throttles on the target makes a good roll-in reference (no-wind)

After your pull/ctr/set, verbalize your dive angle (the number on the right of the HUD is REALLY nice for this), so when lead asks for parameters you don't just say "Uuuuuh.... I dunno"

For guns passes, the trick of going Master Arm to Train then back to ARM to force the WPNS OFF is money

Dropping in a bank is OK in CCIP mode, just put the PBIL over the damn target.  Only worry about bank in manual bombing...

Strafe passes: aim high.  If you shoot short, the acoustics can't score you.

Read the Luke Range Reg off the CoP site for range specific procedures.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


My EGI didn't work today and the problem was there was no date or time or year listed. I had *** where the values should have been. The 1991 workaround checklist should correct that problem. I ran the 1991 workaround but the problem wasn't fixed until I shut the EGI off and back on for another 4 minute alignment (step 8 of the workaround). The entire process took about 15 minutes.

There was an AGE cart under the sunshade today that was well outside of a white 10ft line. I didn't notice it until I was releasing brakes to taxi. I pointed it out and the crew chief held up his arms like I'd miss it by 3 feet and tried to keep marshalling me. I had to point again before he moved it begrudgingly (sp?). My wing would have actually crossed over the top of it.

My IPs canopy did not lock in arming today. Maintenance had to come out and wrench on it to get it to work. Keep that unlocked light in your crosscheck bc there is no mastercaution warning.

I did the TWLO-1 to Libby today. Libby Approach 254.35 did not answer for 4 radio calls. This can be a problem on the TWLO-1 because the departure dumps you off at Tombs right imbetween the MOA and the Restricted area. I set up an orbit so not to fly into the MOA or Res Area and was able to raise Libby Tower who gave me an alternate frequency for approach.

Verbalize your descent checks (IP dependent).

The 5700ft restriction at Libby and 3700 at DM are for the entire inside downwind area. Probably a good idea to hold below those altitudes until well clear.

RMM Time

From Lt Col Piazza:

My RMM in debrief was off by 3 minutes from GPS time(shown in the hud). The way to correct this is make sure the time that pops up on RMM Tools matches the computer time (bottom right corner of task bar on any computer). Right click on the bottom right of the task bar and make sure it matches the RMM Tools time.

Might be something to inquire about w Harpoon. This was a high emphasis item from Lt Col Piazza especially for later on in weapons employment when we have to review tapes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

EPE Nugs

EPE with Hagarty... Call me if you have him for an EPE

1.) If you get a cockpit overtemp in flight go land at the nearest field even if you get the cockpit back to normal temps. Also, if you don't need the stuff the main air supply provides (i.e. gsuit, px, defog, etc) then don't turn it back on.

2.) When he starts his jet (technique) he leaves the switch in motor until the jet lights off, that way if it doesn't like in the 20 secs you can shut it off and its already motoring. Otherwise, you'd have to wait till it stopped spinning to reengage the motor switch.

3.) If your left engine won't start have an idea how to get the right one started based on the Dual Engine flameout checklist. Also, check your alititudes as your descending to ensure you don't get below 4,000 ' AGL if you're uncontrolled or 2,000' AGL if you're controlled.

4.) He's big on TOLD, he'll ask what every number means.

happy hunting,

EGI Problems

I think most of you have heard about my EGI problems the other day. I had some EGI alignment problems which caused the EGI not to work at all. Had to fly the whole sortie with no EGI, TAD, TVV, and in HARS.

The main problem I think was that the initial position was not loading from the DTC or last position. On the align page it was showing the position to be Lat Long of all zeros. After the sortie the specialist had me put in the coordinates of the Dragon Ramp (N 32 10.58 / W 110 53.05) when the EGI first started to align. This made the EGI align correctly, from what we could tell. The coordinates for the Dragon ramp are on page 1-5 of the IFG. Hope you guys never have this problem but if you do hope this helps.

Here is the stuff I sent out from work too, so it is saves forever on our blog.

I know in academics they said to mess with the RWR and things, but do not mess with the master arm switch. It can mess with the rounds count. I would recommend not to turn any of that shit on until we need it for the sortie. Harpoon told me to make sure everyone knows this so he doesn't have to bring up to Two Dogs.
More NUGS:
-1 and -34 checklist dividers are on the table in the vault.
Make sure you know the 11-202v3 WX requirements for an alternate. Page 2-24 in the warrior guide is wrong, still the old requirements. Now they are: ALT REQ: <2000'>
Pre programmed AWE ARC210 preset freq's 21-25. In awe under the COMM tab, then ARC210 tab, one preset freq option is TRFREQ.153 file. Drag that to the right with the current zulu days file and the following will be loaded as pre-sets as long as you load ARC210 on start up. 21-ABQ HI, 22-ABQ LO, 23-LIBBY ATIS, 24-LIBBY APP, 25-TW-1.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

TR-5C Big 3

1.) If you switch Gila Bend to DUG in AWE as your anchor point, you can use it like a TACAN when the Douglas TACAN is OTS. You can also show it in your HUD as a bullseye using the EGI pages... if you want to know how to do this I'll show you on a HOTAS trainer

2.) Make everything you are doing evident to SEFE i.e fly missed appch at 200 KIAS then level off at 5700 (i.e. Libby) then turn at depature end while accelerating. Once clear from traffic ptn, then exchange that a/s for enery and climb up at 200 KIAS again and then level at whatever alt and accelerate to 250 again.

3.) Use a wingspan above the horizon instead of a beer can b/c it will keep you in a better plane with him. If you use the beer can the entire time while he is further away, you will be too low. If you use the wingspan while you close your range it'll keep you from dropin' in the hole STS.



Talked with several of you about Lt Col Culp's EPE sim with me, so here are some broad EPE nuggs useful for all IPs:

Warrior Guide has great intel in there on about 4 pages 2-24 (green pages) has info on when to file alternates and all that jazz. and the end of the yellow pages has quick conversions and fuel planning info.

Know basic divert fuel considerations (10lb/NM) and where to find local info (back of IFG)

Have current NOTAMS handy and/or your local approaches amended to reflect the notams.

Know what all your TOLD #s on your card mean. esp min idle (CIT sensor fail), min fan and what fpm that gets you, Check speed (validate TOLD), ...etc

You are not wrong getting in the checklist. BF, fly away from ground if needed, get in the checklist! to include ones in the IFG as well

Use SEFE as IP, SOF, ATC, who ever you want them to be. They may help, they may not...

Sing Eng Appch speed and TD speed (15x -10 = TD speed)

Bring an approach book just in case! Every SEFE is different and you don't want to get caught with you pants down not having the plates to a divert base (or get caught with your pants down at anytime for that matter)

If you're unsure of an answer, use the resources you have in the jet to get the answer (warrior guide, IFG, checklist, ...etc) I said, "blah blah blah and I'm going to verify in my pubs..." He said, "ok, let me know when you find it." Found the answer and we pressed.

Relax, fly the jet like you know how....then get in the checklist.



I know all of you have finished TR-4, so I'll keep the nuggs pertinent to crap to learn pre-checkride.

1) Don't overspeed your shit.  Haha, I know.  But seriously...
2) In the words of the ancient bards: Chuck Norris doesn't request a damn thing; Chuck Norris states intentions.  Pull closed at FHU and realize you're at Joker?  No worries, just tell Tower that you're discontinuing the pattern and are going present-position to Tombstone from inside downwind.  Wait two seconds for them to call approach and you're on your merry.  Halfway to SHORR and realize your TACAN bearing pointer is wack?  Cancel IFR and tell approach you're proceeding direct PITS for initial.  "Roger, contact DM Tower."  In short: be the (wo)man with the plan and keep your IP updated.  Make that shit happen.
3) Energy gaining headwinds closer to the surface at FHU can "push" you high on glideslope while increasing airspeed momentarily.  If your pitch/power worked two seconds ago, just keep what you got and make a small correction two seconds from now rather than chasing it immediately.
4) For those of you fools who liked RTP bombing references in IFF, Wheels (Wieland) is a huge fan of flying the top part of the side-mirror to the threshold off the perch, and then picking up the 5degree pitch ladder in the HUD on the threshold.  If your TVV is 10deg NL, you'll pick up a 3deg glidepath in no time.  Lots easier than mental math (1/2way round) while hurling yourself toward the ground, and it works like a charm
5) Trimming into TP Stalls is the shit.  Makes steady-tone recovery cake.
6) Like Poon, Wheels is a big fan of making things mechanical and extremely deliberate.  Seems to work just fine.

Anybody have any good techniques not to get the "Speedbrakes" warning?  I'm actuating the switch before even moving the throttles and I still get the warning... Am I just too fast getting my shit into MAX power? (story of my life).

F*ck the po-lice.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

General Gems

Items from various IPs during various events:

1)Read/research Ch. 2 n/w/c for numbers and items you had no idea what they meant 3 weeks ago (i.e. transition liner failure, CIT fail, in arming when you "check eng inst" what you're actually looking for)...things like that.

b)brief SEFE your game plan as far as alt and a/s is concerned. climbing to 20K once in the MOA? cruising at 250 or 800ITT (this is standard but not all IPs follow this)? This is so they know you have a plan and aren't just being lazy about yo shi...stuff. example: 800 ITT gave me about 258 when crusing to the MOA so the IP initially thought I was being lazy about holding 250.

4) Col Russell technique: ~15 NM out slow 220-230, 3-5 NM from FAF, boards, stand pwr up, below 2 bills config, slightly increase pwr to let a/s slowly decrease to final speed, then set around 87% once descending on final. This makes everything smooth and consistent with minor power adjustments (nice habit pattern for wx and form as lead)

D) Final turn: instead of searching for the TVV when in the final turn (could be somewhere crazy based on winds) just look at the numerical dive angle on the right side under the alt. it's precise and ALWAYS there.

E) The static that shows up in the DM pattern over the city to sabatoge your mission and drain your SA faster than Gonzo can get a number at the strip club (~69 sec) is coming from the aft radio. Not much you can do other than messing with the vol knob and, more importantly, clicking the aft radio every now and then (similar to a zipper). I would do this when twr was trying to call me or I was about to call them.

And lastly) know all the TOLD assumptions on 4-12 of the IFG along with all the numbers on your data card.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

TR-3 / Shooter

Most have done TR-3 so here are a few general nugs that helped me out.

1. For a RJ, instead of the tail on the opposite wing, use the close wingtip on the canopy. Same line but this is a reference that we will use for the front edge of wedge.

2. If you have TW-2 and someone leaves TW-1 while enroute, shooter wanted me to have ultimate SA and coordinate for TW-1 so we didn't have to drive as far. It worked for us but we had someone else scheduled for the MOA right at the end.

3. Shooter likes you to talk through the profile a little bit more than JC did. Just likes a nugs up on what your going to do next.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TR-4C w/ Varden

Big 3 Points From TR-4C

1.) When you get the DUAL ENGINE FAILURE in the brief and you apply the BF let the APU start get the left engine going and then you do the NORMAL, NORMAL, MAX.... My scenario was When you push the engine up the MAX the Engine Start Cycle Light comes on. If you see this you obviously don't want to shut thtat engine and the APU down. I was clueless. The approved Solution is to pull the L ENG START CB (ref EF-21).

2.) If in close formation in the pattern, echelon turns not fingertip

3.) Good references for following another A-10 around the ptn (i.e. when to perch) and following A-10 from a straight in

a.) If you are following an A-10 off the perch, wait until he's between 1/2 way to 2/3 of the way thru his final turn then perch (that'll give about 3,000 spacing)

b.) If following an A-10 on a str-in and you are wanting to perch from inside DW, wait until he's abeam

c.) If following a C-130 or something slower on a str-in wait until the are past abeam (i.e. 4-5 oclock or 8-7 oclock depending on the ptn direction)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


TR-3 Good stuff... good stuff...

1.) If the crew-60 is attached to jet (i.e. not just lying or is it laying?? on the side of the panel) you need to push it down and twist it s2s.

2.) For the confidence maneuver, lock your shoulder harness or bang your nugget against the canopy

3.) If you go from Tombstone direct SHORR for the HI TACAN, the hdg will be around 285 which is too much to tear drop so you'll have to do a parallel... don't try and cheat by not flying direct SHORR so you can align yourself better for a tear drop. Just do a parallel, tucson appch didn't like that

4.) After you finish all your single engine stuff make sure you get your SAS engaged, but also your EAC. If you don't engage that, make sure you check it before you say on the aft radio that your auto pilot won't engage.

Nuggalicious (FMT 4 w/Denzler)

I'm not going to re-invent the wheel since JB already chucked out great, great nuggs for his Denzler FMT-4, but I'll add a few pile-ons of my own:

The Spidey finger-drag technique for APU and Engine Starts wins again.  I had my finger on the L-Fuel PX light before I even threw the APU switch on.  Guess what, the light didn't go out, and Denzler automatically assumed that I saw it immediately since I had my finger on it (I was admittedly a little slower and was checking APU RPM and EGT instead, but hey, I call it a win)

Same note for the above on the engine start.  Also, Denzler's huge on calling out ops-limits on the gauges as they become pertinent.  HOWEVER, be damn sure what you're saying if you use this technique on a checkride, or you run the risk of verbalizing crappy ops-limits and getting the wrath of the SEFE.

Talk to your Sim dude/SEFE about when you're supposed to go around on instrument approaches.  It's easy in the air since the IPs brief that if they don't say anything at DH/MDA, you're still IMC, so you go missed approach.  Well, in the Sim, if the Wx is set improperly, you can break out of the wx on your ILS at 900'AGL, so you can continue, right?  So I thought, but I didn't verbalize anything and just pressed instead to a low-approach like we do in the airplane.  Bad move.  At least ask if you're unsure, or just execute the missed approach from the DH/MDA.  It's silly, I know.

Denzler recommends verbalizing the boldface as you do it in the sim since the console readout of the throttle setting lags the FMT (i.e. it will show your speedbrakes open and brakes (as required) before showing the throttles in idle for the abort.  DISCLAIMER: if this is too many penguins on the iceberg, don't even think about it or else risk saying a bad boldface in front of your SEFE.  Food for thought.

For your COCKPIT OVERTEMP boldface, after moving the Main Air Supply, tell your SEFE that you "expect that the airflow stops and the temperature is bearable," so now YOU are driving the next step in the checklist instead of having the SEFE make you blow your canopy off (sts?).

Be a turn-and-slip ball nazi.  The only thing the SEFE has to gauge whether you're using rudder to counter an engine failure is that.

Use the finger-drag technique when starting motors airborne, too.  Not as if you'll ever get an ATS valve failing to close in the air...
Oh by the way, in the Sim, your "APU guaranteed to start at 15K' and probably up to 20K'" means that your APU won't start until descending through 18,500'.  That's the magic altitude in the sim for the APU to start.  Any higher and you get bupkis.

The gear horn is a great WAG for your 160KIAS best glide speed.

All in all, Denzler was pretty damn patient considering my buffoonery on this one.  Be happy if you have him as an instructor

That's it for now.  Happy Simming.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


-I ran the new EGI checker and had a FOM of 9 and all of the other checks were showing inadequate alignment and no valid crypto key. I let the IP(Bomb) know and he suggested calling a redball. I called the redball and maintenance reloaded the crypto. This did not fix the problem so I had a discussion with Bomb and he recommended to press without it and just back everything up with radial dme. So we pressed. It was definitely an SA drain and delayed our takeoff. Maintenance said EGI has been a pretty widespread problem for the last 2-3 months.

-Jet does not slow down easily on the SSE. You don't have SB or flaps. If you set the power on the good engine too high, you will accelerate easily in the descent. I found this out by getting too close for comfort to 200 knots after configuring at ~190.

-On SSE at rwy 26 Libby, failing your left engine will allow you to make right turns into the good engine.

-Rwy 12 at DM Bomb's techniqe is to perch abeam the runway. It worked out pretty good based on the displaced threshold.

-Confidence maneuver was fun. You go from vertical nose up to vertical nose down in a second or so.

-fyi this time of year it is pitch black for ground ops for a 0730 T/O. You can borrow a crew chiefs flashlight if you don't have one.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FMT-4 with Denzler

Denzler was awesome to sim with.

  • This sim is to prepare you for FMT-5 which is our check ride in the sim so he talked about how to do some things on the check ride.
  • Do everything exactly in order as the checklist.
  • After engine start and the checklist says check engine stack be able to look down and call out the ops limits ie. alright ive got 150 to 4100 on the fuel flow and 275 to 865 bla bla
  • Fire light on the ground=blow both bottles right away
  • Aileron jam- when you get it and you look down and see the light DO NOT get in a hurry and disengage the elevator disconnect....I did....you will know what I'm talkin about when your in the dark sim and you see the light and your nose down inverted in a hurry....disengage the right one
  • He had me do a no shit fix-to-fix.......
  • I did the TAC30 with a circle to RW12....it really was not to bad....figure out your final turn speed and thats the min speed to circle..at the missed approach point angle off 45 degrees from the runway. Fly that heading until you can roll out on downwind with your wingtip having about half of the wings length space from the runway. Another way to say it is to picture flipping your aileron over and that's how far you want your wingtip from the RW. Fly a level turn final turn for the most part to put you on the right wire.


TR-2 w/ HOSS

Good nugs...

1.) If the jet comes back from MX really do a good job checking your switches in the correct position before engine start. MX checklists has them turn the switches off that can be turned off i.e. Main Air supply was off, bleed air off, temp/pressure was off, generators were off, circuit breakers were pulled, etc... just check.

2.) When the ARC-210 loads up, if it has a #1# in the upper right hand corner, you have to hit enter a few times get it to say "RT" and then you can use the knob on the ARC-210. The #1# shows up when you are using the UFC to control the ARC-210

3.) If you are leaving TW1W and are flying VFR to LIBBY and you stiff arm the field a little to ensure clearance into the Restricted Area, don't go EAST of 180 or else you will be flying the wrong VFR hemispheric alts.

4.) If you try to get the HI TACAN to RWY 12 and they won't give it to you (s2s) then make sure you tell them you will procede visually at 3 DME. They told me today that I was cleared for a 20 mile vis str-in to RWY 12 and could maneuver as required... aka I'm not clearing you for the TACAN, but you can fly it... just realize they may forget about you and be suprsied when you request a handoff to TWR at 10 miles.

5.) If you establish a new joker/bingo the comm should go. "Killer, new Joker is 6.5 acknowledge" "2". Don't just assume b/c you said a new joker they copied it.

6.) For your descent check, add the alitmeter... "Killer descent check, 1 is 6.0 30.22 set" just a technique from HOSS for style points...

7.) If you pull closed at 250 bones, you can get a solid closed pull up, just ensure you watch ptn alt and level off there.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


-Similar problem to Jason: when I pulled into the chocks, sortie complete, the crewchief plugged in and said hey welcome back sir and he looked up and paused briefly. This made me assume he chocked the jet though he did not. So I released brakes momentarily until I realized he hadn't chocked the jet. Make sure the jet is chocked and use extreme caution any time there is someone around the jet. Probably goes without saying but wanted to pass it along.

-There is a concrete pad at the no wind perch point on rwy 26 at Libby. Works pretty good as a starting point.

-Nose High TP stall technique: Roll off perch and set 10 degrees nose low and idle power. 1/3 to 1/2 around final turn pull up to 5 degrees nose low and trim it to stay there. Then just let the jet stall itself and recover.

-There is GX comm in the standards.

-There is a TCN checkpoint in the Arm area. It is a sign (yellow I think?). My IP had to test his tacan there because it didn't work in the chocks. Anyhow, that is where it is located if you are looking.

-Lookup the supplementary tasks in the syllabus for each sortie. Most IP's will ask some of thier questions from that.


Sorry it took so long to post but I guess better late than never. Here are some nugs I took away from TR1 and TR2.

1. You can never and I do mean never do too many ops checks in the TR phase.
2. Call your final approach speeds early...on the downwind instead of right as your getting ready to configure.
3. Configure early. They are not impressed if you wait to the last second to configure.
4. Know how to explain your fuel plan. Have a joker out of the airspace and out of Libby. Use 15lbs per mile, 300lbs per overhead, 600lbs per radar pattern, and 800lbs per full penetration. As you know they will prob trump your plan but at least you can show them that you were thinking about it.
5. I think I told most of you about my screw up on TR-2. I was in the de-arm after my sortie and released the brakes before he gave me the signal to taxi. I caught it pretty quick and only rolled a few inches but it could have been really bad. My IP said he always counts how many airman will be de-arming him when he pulls in and before he releases the brakes he counts them again. Even if the crew chief is marshaling you out.

All for now....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TR-1C Nuggs

I figured most of us are going to be done with TR-1 by tomorrow so instead of putting the profile and stuff I'm just going to post some good nuggs that I didn't know...

Ground Ops
If you hear a loud squel in your headset turn down the volume on your aft radio and the master volume on the panel with all the controlheads

While the chief is checking your pitot heat, you can ask him if your clear for the chop check and do it simutaneously

When doing your before takeoff checks, if your strobes (anti-collison) lights won't stay on, check your pinky switch on the stick, its not aft

When you taxi out onto the runway, after running your engines up doing a quick cycle of the flight controls

Make sure you pull all the way down past the cable for the line up

If you don't get DME off your TACAN, make sure its in T/R not in REC

Use the autopilot AFTER you have trimmed the aircraft

STEADY TONE! for stall recoveries = max performing the jet

Climb out 99.99% of time will be a right turn 020 climb to 8,000' - watch 5700 restriction by departure end

You look alot cooler in Dearm if you have your canopy up but remember the restrictions about opening it in a turn... (don't)

Remember flaps full and speedbrakes out prior to pulling into the sunshade

***One thing Hoss had me do that may seem kinda gay, but it was pretty freaking sweet, was to move the middle mirror during your climb out when things are chill so you can see your face and the 2 engines in it... It's pretty freaking awesome... ***


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


-Be prepared to taxi on Taxiway Bravo. Ground told me to taxi on Bravo and I went to Alpha. I figured it out when 2 A-10s were pointing at me on Alpha.

-3 indications of stall: buffet, stick shaker, chopped tone

-Read the formation references in 3-3 Ch.3. (Wing on Ejection Triangle, etc.) I flew Close, Wing Work, Xunder, Echelon, Route.

-If you land on rwy 12, the dearm spaces are labeled with numbers. 0 is the one we can't park in bc of c130 clearance. We CAN park in line 1.

-Salute both Arm and Dearm crew chief once they are finished with your jet

-our comm sequence was Tower, Departure, ABQ Center (who will clear you into moa with 1. DUG altimeter 2. MOA Clrnce 3. Clrnce to change frequency), MOA Freq, ABQ center departing MOA, Libby Appch, Libby Tower, Libby Appch, DM Appch, DM Tower.

-I descended to 11k in the MOA and requested RVectors Libby with ABQ. You can also just cancel and go at 10.5 or any VFR Hemishperic.

-We flew back to DM on the Apache at 8.5

-The jet flies like a big truck. It flies way different from the 38 (much slower roll rate and response). You can tell it is a bigger and heavier aircraft. Much slower roll rate. Its a blast. Have fun!