Monday, December 20, 2010

FMT 2C - Gabrys

Brief: Chill talked more about chasing women in bars than the sim, but he did cover what to expect.

APU starting malfs (hung)
Engine starting malfs (hot start)
Abort - oil px to zero... stop shut down engine wait for trucks. let FL and tower know
Engine Failure too late to abort - this one you will take all the way around and do a visual single engine landing out of it. Climb until 200 kias and 2000' AGL and then start running fire BF and/or compressor stall checks. Request a block from 5500 to 7500 to work checks and then fly downwind running ALL the check lists you can. Come around and land single engine stop and as long as your not on fire wait.
Gen Fail - on way to MOA... crossfeed on, reset, light out = press
Hydro Fail - Run checklist - straight forward
Dual engine fail
Gear Fail
Back to DM for norm inst appches
Engine fire on final already configured

Good shit to know/takeaways:
1.) After you get the dual engine failure and run throug the BF you will get the left engine back online... before pushing the throttle up to MAX make sure you do the following (ie read the checklist or do this) "normal, nomral, MAX" - Flight controls - NORM, Engine Op switch - NORM, Throttle - MAX. If you push the throttle up to MAX while in MAN Reversion, enjoy the ride!
2.) When coming back in for a TACAN final after you are configured, if you get a fire light/fire indication/engine failure indicaiton REGARDLESS if it is confirmed to the BF first, then confirm the fire and if you are in a position to land still go ahead a do so with the SB close and flaps at MVR. Once on the ground you can get the fire BF and all that.


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