Sunday, December 19, 2010

FMT-1C Spidey (Stoddard)

     Low key.  Said that by showing up on time I'd pretty much passed the sim.  Didn't even ask for a notams brief, but did check my pubs for correctness, i.e. Change 5 posted in the checklist.
     Spidey has zero problems with 'cheat sheets,' and even copied my "TR techniques" sheets (thanks, Dave), so have no fear of getting lit up for your gouged out engine-start checklist with him.  (However, he warned to cross-check the cheat sheet against the checklist for accuracy/completeness).

     Mostly IAW the student guide.  After the sim rebooted (read below), went over about every step of the checklist in painful detail.  Went through several APU starts to see normal/abnormal indications.  Same with engine starts.  The sim auto-puked me onto the runway, so we did an abbreviated 'taxi check.' 
     The default runway for the sim was rwy 30, so we did north-flow departure.  He showed me some local references and aero out to the T-1W MOA.  Lots of slewing so I forgot/failed to set in the next TACAN a few times.  RTB via the hi-pen.  After landing stuck me back on final for an EP demo (fire after configured).

     I stowed my pubs kit in the back right of the cockpit, and thus unintentionally activated the Emergency Stop button.  Shut down the sim for about 15 minutes.  Use caution when stowing your pubs.
     I stuck flaps at 7 a LOT due to bad habits.  Make sure you're lifting the flap lever to get flaps 20 (and double-checking them afterward, standard).
     Had some issues with mental math at 200KIAS (final speeds).  He recommended getting the gouge sheet that had the landing speed tables on it already.
     For FMT2, Spidey recommends the "YOSCAB" mnemonic over the "CYA" (i.e. Crossfeed, Yaw SAS, APU): Yaw SAS, Override (Fuel Flows; both), Speeds, Crossfeed, APU, Brakes (Emer Brakes/Speed Brakes).
     Remember the "Engine Hot Light" while in OVERRIDE on your Fuel Flows is a good thing.

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