Monday, December 20, 2010

FMT-2 Spidey

     Low key again.  By showing up on time and knowing boldface verbally, you pass the sim.  Else, standard w/ a few nuggets of info (mainly technique):
Any engine malfunction = engage fuel flows Overridex2.  Checklist says "as required," but you're never wrong for doing it (and it helps when things go to hell on short final single engine). 
Always Stores-Jettison when thrust critical on takeoff (i.e. engine fire/failure).  Boldface says "as required," but as a TR stud, you're pretty much never wrong for that either. 
He briefed the Dual Engine Failure boldface + "Norm Norm Max" technique (Engine Operate / Flight Controls / Throttles). 
Mentioned that "it's BoldFACE not BoldRACE."  Even with an engine fire, you're not going to blow up immediately.  Nobody has a stopwatch, so take your time and think about which boldface to do first (this comes in later).
Briefed squawking emergency on the standby panel after performing the Engine Fire/Failure while Configured boldface since your hand is right there; it saves you a radio call to tower, and pretty much gives you a license to steal for where/how you go.
Hit up the YOSCAB technique again for any Fire/Engine Failure (Yaw SAS/Override-Both/Speed/Crossfeed as reqd/APU as reqd/Brakes e.g. speedbrakes or wheel brakes) instead of the "CYA" mnemonic.  Actually worked out fairly well for cleanup items during the sim...
Said he didn't know why A/W/E puked out a "Min Fan Speed" that wasn't just 3% below PTFS.

Several APU starts with a couple normal and a couple hot/hung starts. Easy.

Several engine starts with a couple normal and various malfunctions: Hot start, Hung Start (never got to min idle RPM; RPM was right at 56 and I mis-diagnosed as an ATS failure when the Start Cycle light stayed on), ATS Failure.  The primary difference between the ATS Failure and the Hung Start being that for the first, you need to shut the APU and BOTH motors off (and in that order) whereas the Hung start only requires you to shut down the motor you were starting.  Big picture: watch your min idle RPM.
I gave myself an extra start when I shut down the motor for another suspected ATS failure.  Turns out the Start Cycle light takes almost EXACTLY ten seconds in the sim.  Spidey recommends waiting until 12 or 13 seconds instead of being spring-loaded to abort the start.

Abort: blown tire on centerline.  Watch the "centerline=brick wall," especially after turning off NWS.  100% speedbrakes takes longer than you think.  Just hold the switch aft as long as you can.

Engine failure after takeoff (too late to abort): Oil Px light after rotation/as gear were retracting, which turned into a full-blown seized/flaming engine.  You're supposed to wait until 2000' AGL/200KIAS before you (a) turn or (b) shut down a motor.  I got schwacked for trying to maintain some semblance of pattern ground track/turn back towards the runway.  If it feels like you're keeping the (flaming/melting) motor running for a retardedly long time while flying directly over downtown, you're doing it exactly right.  Have fun limping back home from 13NM away.

Took an intermission flying around w/Yaw SAS on and off respectively.  Yaw SAS off=suck.  YOSCAB ain't a bad technique.

Flew toward the MOA with 'aerobatics' and set up for OCF.  Boldface=almost immediate recovery.  Easy.

Double-engine flameout: immediately after OCF.  Get on speed and start boldface.  I was surprised by how long it took to get the APU started just to get to the Left Engine - MOTOR step.  110 seconds is a long time... 
Note: expect ensuing shenanigans when all of your avionics shit the bed post-flameout and you're expected to set up for the hi-ILS.  Fix-to-fixes and pitch control without HUD=suck.

Engine Fire/Failure while Configured:  Had the biggest issues with this one out of the whole sim.  As a pilot up until this point you've been taught that Fire=Bad.  Hence, the hamster in your brain wants to make the bad fire go away.  Here's where the boldface v. boldrace comes in.  Take your time and for fuck's sake don't shut the motor down unless you've already done the Max/Retract/MVR boldface.  Even if you're 9NM away from the field still.
Did this one many (many) times.  Spidey's technique is anything outside of about a 3NM final, shut the motor down/do the Fire BF after you take care of the first BF.  Inside 3NM, let it cook and just land the damn airplane.

Miscellaneous Queep:
Spidey likes to hear you talk.  If you fuck something up (airspeed on final) say something about it while fixing it.  He really likes that.

Rotate the knob on the standby ADI ALL the way counterclockwise.  The mini-aircraft might look like it's moving up and down while it's still caged, and even though you THINK you uncaged it, you still forgot it (as far as your gradesheet is concerned)

Spidey hit up the Final Approach Speed cheat sheet again both in the brief and debrief.  I'm fairly positive that the first dude(tte) that shows up to a brief with that for him is guaranteed an instant "4" and proficiency advancement out of the TR phase.  I don't even care if you use it, just make sure he thinks you do.

Free beer/coke of choice to the first one of you motherfuckers that posts something else up here.  I'm getting lonely.

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