Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Profile: He stood over my shoulder during all of ground ops. A little distracting, but helpful in a couple instances where he could explain things in person.
-Ran through all Boldface, he put it on freeze several times to explain things
-Never made it to MOA
-Flew F2F for Hi ILS 30 in the wx, Vectors TCN

MISC:-On an Emergency after T/O Deacon recommends spinning at racetrack if you need time to complete checklist items.
-Fire light while configured to land, he just lands if whithin 1NM, doesn't do boldface.
-to pass numbers in an EP, give callsign, A-10, type EP, 3 hrs fuel (if full), and 30mm (we usually fly with it even in TR, just a cold gun)
-If engine PX goes to zero on ground, shut it down. He considers this nonBF Boldface because an engine will fail 1-3 minutes after 0 oil psi.

-Dual enging fail boldface: Maintain AC control and seek ~160 KIAS (Best glide). Run through first 3 steps of Boldface Throttles-Off, APU-Start, Flt Cont -MR in quick succession. Then you have a little time while APU is starting. Look at your altitude. If you are above 15000ft, you can delay starting the engine to get whithing the 10000 guaranteed 15000 probable window. Then steps 4 and 5 of BF and NORM NORM MAX If you don't get a good start on L side, leave the APU on and attempt starting the right engine.

FMT 3 - Hultgren aka "the silver fox"

Upfront - I don't know if he does it intentionally or not, but he'll try to throw you off your game a little in the breif asking random questions about fan speed, airspace floor and boundaries, etc. For example, on our line up cards, he'll ask about the difference between fan and min fan speeds and which one you take the abort fan low speed (3% low). I went min fan today and he said no you take it off the other, but both Gabrys and Deacon said to take it off the min fan, so take that for what its worth.
Also, I was sitting down out front of the vault waiting and he walked up and sat next to me and looked quizically and said you have an FMT today? I said yes sir. He said with who. I said you sir. He said oh and we sat there for 2 solid minutes not saying a word. Then he asked well do you want to do it today? I said yes sir. He said well we better get in there huh? I said yes sir. He said ok let's go.

Breif - other than random fan speed questions and MOA questions (if you don't know the answer there's some good MOA stuff in the IFG pg 2-1). He responds to every question that you answer with "you sure?" or really? and I found basically just wants you to be firm in your answer if you are confident its correct.

Profile - Kinda close to the stud guide with the following exceptions
1.) you won't fly the entire chochise departure, you'll get about 15 miles into it get an APU fire and turn back around to the field while accomplishing the BF
3.) While flying around Northern Tucson in the OUTLAW/JACKAL MOA's he failed my EGI and asked where I was... I said well the 330 for 60 someodd miles of DMA TACAN. He said that's where you are huh? I said yes sir. He then failed my DME and asked where I was. I noticed I was no longer on the 330 radial so he must have moved me, and so i noticed i was on the 350 now and then dailed up the IWA TACAN and saw i was off the 117 radial so I said, whereever the DMA 350 and IWA 117 radials intersect. He seemed amused and we pressed... still confused myself.
2.) the ILS to KTUS, you will fly the entire approach with one turn in holding at the last minute. It'll go something like this... "Turn right heading 150, descend and maintain 6,000'... Hog 6 we lost radar coverage we need you present position direct LIPTE hold as publishe maintain 6,000, call established in the hold and when leaving 6,000 you're cleared the ILS rwy 11L, contact tower at 10.2 miles" - Enjoy : )

Good takeaway's aka JB's nuggs - great nuggets!
1.) If you get a siezed right engine after take off (shittiest case) you need to put a boot full of left rudder in there to keep coordinated while doing the BF or you will bleed your a/s with all the drag

2.) If you do the APU fire BF and discharge the other bottle and the light is still one, confirm with FL that you're on fire and then be familiar with checklist (warning W1)... it says if it burns outta control ejection may be the best option. He offered no techniques for what is burning out of control that other than that's we get paid the big bucks. I think we'll know if its outta control

3.) Always be prepared to fly entire appches even if you are on vectors to final...

4.) On a dual engine flame out, know what to do if the left engine does NOT start without refing the checklist. He expalined it to me as an upside down U, if you have questions give me a call.


I had Mr. Denzler for FMT-2. He pretty much went according to the student guide. Since we've all done that sim I'll just share the nuggs that apply to the future.
IP: Good instructor, posts up next to the side of the sim and looks over your shoulder as you do things. He'll share his input with "better ways" to accomplish tasks and is all about it being an instructional sim, not an eval sim. He can be stern at times (as you can imagine) but doesn't bust your chops for shits and giggles. He likes asking GK through out the sim (i.e. as I reach for the Gen pwr switch he'll ask how long it can remain off, or pitot heat on the ground...etc)...bottom line, know the numbers.
He's not necessarily a fan of the climb to 2K and 200kts technique after a T/O fire. After Cont T/O BF take your time but if you're in control then take care of the fire. He did caveat that with saying you may want to wait a few extra vert feet and knots during FMT-5, but don't necessarily need to wait to 2k/200. Also, leave the good eng (or both) FF's in Oride, that's 1 less step if you have to sing-eng go.

Nuggs (thank JB for the term "nugg"):
-If you see any Hydr light, non-BF-BF would be to put Emer Flap and/or Spd brake switch to Override. Logic: save a brain bite and when you see a hydr light just override both systems to minimize poss loss of hydr fluid. 1) it's step 1 in the checklist for L/R. 2) you can't go wrong moving those switches right away because that function is easily reversible.
-Tire Fail (blown, sts) on take-off- accomplish Abort BF appropriately but as a part of wheel brakes as required you may have to paddle off the SAS/Anti-skid to be able to have brakes. Bottomline: with tire fail on T/O critical action should be to paddle off Anti-skid.

-Don't forget to checks the TEMS when you leave the jet.

-Checkride advice:
Ask questions (they are on a time schedule, the more you ask, the less they ask) WARNING: If you ask, "what's the ABORT BF?" that may not work out well for you.
Highlight items on the left pages of the Checklist so you don't have to read all the n/w/c and you can easily identify the important items (saves time and ensures you hit the key points)
-Relax and be methodical...standard
-If you don't know, LOOK IT UP. Better to forget a number, look it up (IFG, Warrior guide...etc), and give the right answer than to guess and be wrong, (or worse, screw up a procedure like not knowing you have a hung start).

Happy nugget hunting!

FMT-2 Spidey (Stoddard)

Brief: Fairly low key, know your boldface. You will verbalize all of them in the brief. It is very much a learning sim/brief. He mentioned many time this is not a stan/eval sim, but a learning sim. He told me all the ep's he was going to give in the sim.

Sim: Again, low key and very much a learning sim. He is very big on saying (to your IP) what you are doing and planning on doing. Have a plan for A/S on final for single engine. He uses 170 until about 5 miles, then 150+. Have as many "cheat sheets" as you like. He likes the smart card with A/S on it and whatever sheets/notes you want with you. Went just about how Cichowski described his sim.

Learning Points: He uses YOSCAB instead of CYA. Yaw/Sas, paddle it off, then reengage operable channel. Override, fuel flows. Speeds, fly your planned single engine speeds. APU, if needed. Breaks, what kind of brakes did you lose, wheel or speed? Flew around with SAS off single engine. Turing operable yaw/sas back on makes a big difference.

Monday, December 20, 2010

FMT-2 Spidey

     Low key again.  By showing up on time and knowing boldface verbally, you pass the sim.  Else, standard w/ a few nuggets of info (mainly technique):
Any engine malfunction = engage fuel flows Overridex2.  Checklist says "as required," but you're never wrong for doing it (and it helps when things go to hell on short final single engine). 
Always Stores-Jettison when thrust critical on takeoff (i.e. engine fire/failure).  Boldface says "as required," but as a TR stud, you're pretty much never wrong for that either. 
He briefed the Dual Engine Failure boldface + "Norm Norm Max" technique (Engine Operate / Flight Controls / Throttles). 
Mentioned that "it's BoldFACE not BoldRACE."  Even with an engine fire, you're not going to blow up immediately.  Nobody has a stopwatch, so take your time and think about which boldface to do first (this comes in later).
Briefed squawking emergency on the standby panel after performing the Engine Fire/Failure while Configured boldface since your hand is right there; it saves you a radio call to tower, and pretty much gives you a license to steal for where/how you go.
Hit up the YOSCAB technique again for any Fire/Engine Failure (Yaw SAS/Override-Both/Speed/Crossfeed as reqd/APU as reqd/Brakes e.g. speedbrakes or wheel brakes) instead of the "CYA" mnemonic.  Actually worked out fairly well for cleanup items during the sim...
Said he didn't know why A/W/E puked out a "Min Fan Speed" that wasn't just 3% below PTFS.

Several APU starts with a couple normal and a couple hot/hung starts. Easy.

Several engine starts with a couple normal and various malfunctions: Hot start, Hung Start (never got to min idle RPM; RPM was right at 56 and I mis-diagnosed as an ATS failure when the Start Cycle light stayed on), ATS Failure.  The primary difference between the ATS Failure and the Hung Start being that for the first, you need to shut the APU and BOTH motors off (and in that order) whereas the Hung start only requires you to shut down the motor you were starting.  Big picture: watch your min idle RPM.
I gave myself an extra start when I shut down the motor for another suspected ATS failure.  Turns out the Start Cycle light takes almost EXACTLY ten seconds in the sim.  Spidey recommends waiting until 12 or 13 seconds instead of being spring-loaded to abort the start.

Abort: blown tire on centerline.  Watch the "centerline=brick wall," especially after turning off NWS.  100% speedbrakes takes longer than you think.  Just hold the switch aft as long as you can.

Engine failure after takeoff (too late to abort): Oil Px light after rotation/as gear were retracting, which turned into a full-blown seized/flaming engine.  You're supposed to wait until 2000' AGL/200KIAS before you (a) turn or (b) shut down a motor.  I got schwacked for trying to maintain some semblance of pattern ground track/turn back towards the runway.  If it feels like you're keeping the (flaming/melting) motor running for a retardedly long time while flying directly over downtown, you're doing it exactly right.  Have fun limping back home from 13NM away.

Took an intermission flying around w/Yaw SAS on and off respectively.  Yaw SAS off=suck.  YOSCAB ain't a bad technique.

Flew toward the MOA with 'aerobatics' and set up for OCF.  Boldface=almost immediate recovery.  Easy.

Double-engine flameout: immediately after OCF.  Get on speed and start boldface.  I was surprised by how long it took to get the APU started just to get to the Left Engine - MOTOR step.  110 seconds is a long time... 
Note: expect ensuing shenanigans when all of your avionics shit the bed post-flameout and you're expected to set up for the hi-ILS.  Fix-to-fixes and pitch control without HUD=suck.

Engine Fire/Failure while Configured:  Had the biggest issues with this one out of the whole sim.  As a pilot up until this point you've been taught that Fire=Bad.  Hence, the hamster in your brain wants to make the bad fire go away.  Here's where the boldface v. boldrace comes in.  Take your time and for fuck's sake don't shut the motor down unless you've already done the Max/Retract/MVR boldface.  Even if you're 9NM away from the field still.
Did this one many (many) times.  Spidey's technique is anything outside of about a 3NM final, shut the motor down/do the Fire BF after you take care of the first BF.  Inside 3NM, let it cook and just land the damn airplane.

Miscellaneous Queep:
Spidey likes to hear you talk.  If you fuck something up (airspeed on final) say something about it while fixing it.  He really likes that.

Rotate the knob on the standby ADI ALL the way counterclockwise.  The mini-aircraft might look like it's moving up and down while it's still caged, and even though you THINK you uncaged it, you still forgot it (as far as your gradesheet is concerned)

Spidey hit up the Final Approach Speed cheat sheet again both in the brief and debrief.  I'm fairly positive that the first dude(tte) that shows up to a brief with that for him is guaranteed an instant "4" and proficiency advancement out of the TR phase.  I don't even care if you use it, just make sure he thinks you do.

Free beer/coke of choice to the first one of you motherfuckers that posts something else up here.  I'm getting lonely.

FMT 2C - Gabrys

Brief: Chill talked more about chasing women in bars than the sim, but he did cover what to expect.

APU starting malfs (hung)
Engine starting malfs (hot start)
Abort - oil px to zero... stop shut down engine wait for trucks. let FL and tower know
Engine Failure too late to abort - this one you will take all the way around and do a visual single engine landing out of it. Climb until 200 kias and 2000' AGL and then start running fire BF and/or compressor stall checks. Request a block from 5500 to 7500 to work checks and then fly downwind running ALL the check lists you can. Come around and land single engine stop and as long as your not on fire wait.
Gen Fail - on way to MOA... crossfeed on, reset, light out = press
Hydro Fail - Run checklist - straight forward
Dual engine fail
Gear Fail
Back to DM for norm inst appches
Engine fire on final already configured

Good shit to know/takeaways:
1.) After you get the dual engine failure and run throug the BF you will get the left engine back online... before pushing the throttle up to MAX make sure you do the following (ie read the checklist or do this) "normal, nomral, MAX" - Flight controls - NORM, Engine Op switch - NORM, Throttle - MAX. If you push the throttle up to MAX while in MAN Reversion, enjoy the ride!
2.) When coming back in for a TACAN final after you are configured, if you get a fire light/fire indication/engine failure indicaiton REGARDLESS if it is confirmed to the BF first, then confirm the fire and if you are in a position to land still go ahead a do so with the SB close and flaps at MVR. Once on the ground you can get the fire BF and all that.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

FMT-1C Spidey (Stoddard)

     Low key.  Said that by showing up on time I'd pretty much passed the sim.  Didn't even ask for a notams brief, but did check my pubs for correctness, i.e. Change 5 posted in the checklist.
     Spidey has zero problems with 'cheat sheets,' and even copied my "TR techniques" sheets (thanks, Dave), so have no fear of getting lit up for your gouged out engine-start checklist with him.  (However, he warned to cross-check the cheat sheet against the checklist for accuracy/completeness).

     Mostly IAW the student guide.  After the sim rebooted (read below), went over about every step of the checklist in painful detail.  Went through several APU starts to see normal/abnormal indications.  Same with engine starts.  The sim auto-puked me onto the runway, so we did an abbreviated 'taxi check.' 
     The default runway for the sim was rwy 30, so we did north-flow departure.  He showed me some local references and aero out to the T-1W MOA.  Lots of slewing so I forgot/failed to set in the next TACAN a few times.  RTB via the hi-pen.  After landing stuck me back on final for an EP demo (fire after configured).

     I stowed my pubs kit in the back right of the cockpit, and thus unintentionally activated the Emergency Stop button.  Shut down the sim for about 15 minutes.  Use caution when stowing your pubs.
     I stuck flaps at 7 a LOT due to bad habits.  Make sure you're lifting the flap lever to get flaps 20 (and double-checking them afterward, standard).
     Had some issues with mental math at 200KIAS (final speeds).  He recommended getting the gouge sheet that had the landing speed tables on it already.
     For FMT2, Spidey recommends the "YOSCAB" mnemonic over the "CYA" (i.e. Crossfeed, Yaw SAS, APU): Yaw SAS, Override (Fuel Flows; both), Speeds, Crossfeed, APU, Brakes (Emer Brakes/Speed Brakes).
     Remember the "Engine Hot Light" while in OVERRIDE on your Fuel Flows is a good thing.