Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BSA FMT Take 2

Faster funnier, here's what I got from Doc Baker on Friday:

Ground Ops: do your flow from rt to left based on the lower OSBs on the MFCD (i.e., stat page, DSMS + weapons crap in HUD, Comm/TADL stuff, TAD setup

For your SPADES, the last S stands for Steer/SOI/SPI, Doc recommends adding "Safe Escape Maneuver" as a quick review so you don't do the wrong one.

The canopy ref's (fist for 30s, on the rail for 45s) works nice in the sim.
As a crutch to the above, know your base dist in the brief, HOWEVER, you can add 0.2nm to that number, and that's where you should be when you're exactly abeam the two towers as your last get-well point.

The throttles on the target makes a good roll-in reference (no-wind)

After your pull/ctr/set, verbalize your dive angle (the number on the right of the HUD is REALLY nice for this), so when lead asks for parameters you don't just say "Uuuuuh.... I dunno"

For guns passes, the trick of going Master Arm to Train then back to ARM to force the WPNS OFF is money

Dropping in a bank is OK in CCIP mode, just put the PBIL over the damn target.  Only worry about bank in manual bombing...

Strafe passes: aim high.  If you shoot short, the acoustics can't score you.

Read the Luke Range Reg off the CoP site for range specific procedures.
